Sunday, March 30, 2014

Calling all firefighters for help! A smile break!

When we went to the fire station to get new car seats the fireman gave us these fun hats!

How can you resist these smiles?

Is it on right sis?

"Let's get busy, this is serious business!"

"Yes sir!"

"I am Nathan - the leader!"

"I am Ruthanne - the rescue squad - rescue my brother from any danger!"

Ready to play with me?

Nathan in his baseball shirt!

Heart warming smile - melts Mommy's heart each time!

Nathan's Cute Faces!

Are you sure I will like this? Trying a Kale, Banana, Grape smoothie!

Not bad! Why is everyone laughing?

Is this how I ride it?

I am all buckled in!

My favorite playpen - rocks!


Park Day!

Selah likes the swings too!

Ruthanne & Acarith enjoyed following each other. Ruthanne went down the slide after Acarith did all by herself.

Smile Hardy!

Nathan and Selah swung for almost a whole half an hour!

Our zoo trip with Grandpa & Grammie Bird

Feeding the chicken under the table. Ruthanne was scared of it.

The park at the zoo was the funnest part!

Do you have your running shoes on?

Grandpa escorted us through the zoo!

A friendly peacock!

This was the sandbox section, different from the park. They enjoyed this the best!

Everybody smile!

Nathan's kind of toys!

Wandering around to find the animals. Not too many were out or in visible sight!

Water is refreshing on a warm day.

Ruthanne got to see "Sasha" the 500 pound black bear eat his lunch - fish and veggies.

Up close!

There is the fox!

The spiders were in their spot - unfortunately says Mommy!

Grandpa and Nathan taking a break!

What a big lizard!

Outdoor fun with Grandpa & Grammie Bird

A bumpy ride with Grandpa!

Teaching Nathan to ride his trike.

Ruthanne wouldn't let the chickens in the zoo get near her, but will let the geese! Hmmm! She is more familiar with the neighborhood ducks and geese! Her new friends.

Our new family van is in the back. No more blue Ford Explorer! This is nice and roomy.

Come and have fun with us Mommy!

This is the way to shop!

Showing Grandpa the tree fort on our walk!