Sunday, June 29, 2014

Cool as a cucumber

What a big nose you have

Hi Grandma!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Sondergaard Racecourse

Father's Day Events

This morning when Naomi woke up she walked into the kitchen and did not see Ruthanne's booster seat (that was supposed to be on the floor). After peeking in on the children, she discovered why! Sometime while we were sleeping Ruthanne must of decided she wanted her chair with her?????

Breakfast time with Daddy - eating monkey bread and fruit smoothies.

Ready to eat!

Church time again while Daddy prepares for the Sunday message.

Nathan sat and sang too!

Putting on shoes! He is trying to put Ruthanne's on her feet.

Ruthanne showed him how.

Projects, Picnics, and Fun!

On Monday, last week, the children and Mommy had a picnic. Mommy was working on painting a Father's Day gift so the children played in the driveway all morning. They had fun.

Another project for the day - cleaning the pantry! We will not show the before picture!

On Saturday Daddy made a bookshelf for the hall closet. No more boxes! Hurray! The children enjoyed playing with them and climbing on them though!

A diligent student.

Strolling around

Nathan is getting ready to walk. He is more steady and will let go and stand still with out holding on.

Catching up to sister!


This is his favorite hat to wear. His Christmas white elephant gift is being used well!

"Do you like it?"

Friday, June 13, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

Dear Daddy,
Happy Father's Day!
I love you!
Thank you for being my special Daddy
that God gave me!
Ruthanne & Nathan

Happy Father's Day - BAPA!

Dear Bapa! (all the Bapas in my life)
Happy Father's Day!
Listen to this on Sunday!
No earlier!
Love, Ruthanne (and Nathan)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

"Daddy, Mommy ... Church Today!"

Two Rambunctious Children!

Kitchen toys

Ready to fly!

Who is watching? She found a new use for the push cart

Ruthanne singing with the live stream service from Mukwonago Baptist Church

She loves to sit and watch and sing at church!

Monday, June 2, 2014

A Special Greeting for some Special Grandparents

"Hi Mama and Bapa, I love you!"

Story time with Ruthanne

ABC Animals
Baby wolf goes night-night
Clifford goes to the hospital
Colorful Book
Daddy, geese!
Farm Animals
In a people house
Sea Animals
Snakes are no-no's
Noah's Ark as told by Ruthanne