Sunday, January 18, 2015

We went on a wild Wisconsin winter wandering


Relaxing on the plane

Nathan had great fun with this toy

Mama Bird telling a flash card story

Playing a matching game

One day it was a balmy negative seven degrees and windy

We went to an indoor playground

They played hard for three hours

Whee! That was a fast slide!

Storytime with Grandma Bird
Sleeping on the floor

Naomi's friend Naomi came by with her children to play and visit

We enjoyed a special visit with some friends - the Rains! They are on deputation to go to Kenya as missionaries

Lots of snow - it was cold!


Grandma teaching our kids new valuable lessons and tricks

Mama Bird teaching Ruthanne how to blow straw papers across the table

Ruthanne took this picture

Ruthanne took this picture too

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas, New Years, and the Great Arizona Blizzard!

Christmas program at Living Waters Baptist Church. They did very well presenting the Gospel in the story of Christmas. These are just some of the children we will be working with

Nathan and Ruthanne were good listeners during the program

Christmas morning we read the Christmas story and sang some Christmas songs before opening some presents

What is it?

They both got dust pans and little brushes so they can be little helpers

Full of surprises

This one's for you!

Later they played with a block frozen snow turned to ice. It was going to be a snowman for our dinner table center piece so Naomi could have a white Christmas but it turned to ice! How sad!

New Years Eve - it snowed! We got 3 to 5 inches!

All bundled up

Everything looks so different when there is snow!

Two Wisconsin-born girls got to have snow!

The children were a bit young to know what to do with it

With this much snow you have to build a snowman - that's the one in white!

Even our owie-bush got snow

Snow - what fun!

Putting on the finishing touches

Our new friend to greet everyone who comes to visit!

And a carrot for a nose!

Hi everyone! Paul got to stay home because the roads were covered with snow

A winter wonderland!

Later in the day a road grader went by and cleared our road