Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Special Father's Day Song (Click on Link)

We couldn't figure out how to repost this special song for all the Daddy's listening! So click below to hear! We love you! Happy Father's Day!
Sorry! No new song from all three! Will try to do better another time!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

A cookout with Daddy & the cowboy!

A new Daddy this year!

Daddy dressed his little girl with a bow! He wanted
to make sure there was no mistake that
Hannah was a girl!

Bringing some adventure into his little girl's life! This was a wild
ride for Ruthanne, but she was not scared with Daddy as the pilot!

Happy Father's Day Great Grandpa Bird!

 WE love you Great Grandpa! Wish we could
be there to say thankyou in person! 

Happy Bapa's Day!

Thank you Bapa Bird for being special!

And thankyou Bapa Gaard for being a special Grandpa and Dad also!
We love both of you and are very thankful for Dad's who love the Lord!

What does this spell?

DAD! Happy Father's Day! With love from your little kiddos!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Story time with Ruthanne


Busy little children!

Ruthanne loves holding Hannah

Yummy food

Ruthanne and Nathan have been playing together really well lately

And Hannah has been sleeping really well

Yummy salad

They both enjoy salad
Very alert

A couple we barely know let us pick apricots off their trees. They were a special treat

Hannah is so content

Will somebody hold me?

Patiently waiting

Thumb body loves you!

Deep in thought

There's a smile

All ready for church

Hannah likes having a bath

Thank you Mommy!

Now she's ready for church too

Ruthanne playing "climb on Daddy"

Sunday, June 7, 2015

We miss you too, Grandma and Grandpa!

Nathan likes to eat!
Ruthanne drew these whales in her worksheet. She is starting to draw recognizable things

Waiting in the car before we go

Hannah is very loved

Wide eyed and bushy headed

Nathan is sharing all his toys

We found a waterfall!
We love our little sister!

Going fast!

Going for a ride

Climbing our tree - watch out for thorns!

Helping Mommy clean up the flowers

She slept through all the action

Nathan reading a story to Hannah


Helping Mommy clean carrots

We are going to make carrot juice

A picnic!

Yummy food

Eating my vegetables!

Helping Daddy clean up wood scraps

Big helpers

Some late night reading

I can't wait to grow up

Reading a book in his recliner

With his feet on a footstool

I love my sister!

We match!

All ready for church

We love you Mama and Bapa!

What big feet you have
And little feet too!