Monday, August 31, 2015

School Day Fun

Here they are ready for school!
 For them, I think this was the most exciting part of the day
 - getting their backpacks on with their pencil boxes
 inside and then their lunchbags ready!

Ruthanne - K4 Preschool

Nathan - K2 Nursery School :)

All three of my precious children! Hannah is learning many things too!

This picture is a little busy! We started the day in the "classroom."
We learned about 7 days in the week, and then for Bible time we
learned about the 7 days of creation. Today we learned
how God created the Light. Genesis 1:1 is our memory verse.

Mr. Benjamin Bunny got a special seat in
the lap of those who were sitting quietly.

Iggy the Inchworm came and visited us too!
We are learning the letter /Ii/ and the sound
it makes! He inched his way onto to special little
laps and into some special hands.

Fruit Break Time! After Bible time, Exercise Time, and Phonics,
we moved to our desks for Fruit Break! Of course, we had to eat
an apple for the first day of school!

Ruthanne really liked her desk!

Nathan did too! He seems to drown in the picture!

Water break!

Oh! Hannah break! She listened to every word!

Of course, she likes attention too!

Recess Time!

Sewing time with lacing cards. Good way to work those small motor skills.

Nap time for Hannah.

Then we had coloring & writing time after Recess.

Ruthanne practices writing her name and drawing straight lines.
Now she is working on coloring a picture.

Line up for lunch. Before we ate lunch we lined up to go to the
post office. Tile squares have a good use for providing a spot to stand in!
When we got inside, Ruthanne wanted to line up for lunch. Here we are -
they were waiting this time the whole day!

Learning time doesn't end. We have to make good choices of what to
eat first. Needless, to say I didn't take pictures of Nathan finishing
his sandwich when he realized what came after eating that and
his veggies -  pretzels! He stuffed it into his mouth so fast! WELL...
we will work on manners too!

My little cutie pie is having bananas for the first time.
The bowl looks bigger than her head in this picture.
Hannah "Banana"! :)

She enjoyed them!

Singing for our Saviour

Please enjoy the song, but there is a disclaimer!
We put the video on You Tube because
it was so long. Sometimes videos and images
pop up afterward. Press the refresh arrow
 and it will return to our song. Thanks! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Where does all the time go?

Mommy's helper

Shhh! Don't tell!

Fixin' somethin' to eat!

Sister time

Ruthanne is 4!

A yummy birthday breakfast!

What is it?

Yea! A water bottle!

And some fun chalk!

Let's make a cake!

A butterfly cake!

With frosting on it!

Blow them all out!


Almost everyone got a piece

A special card from Mama and Bapa!

Nathan helped celebrate!

We had our 5 year anniversary! Some friends watched the children and we got to spend the day together!

We went for a hike and spent a relaxing day praising God for what He has done!

Our chaperon listened in on every word!

The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad! Psalm 126:3

The Messicks had us over to celebrate two special birthdays!

Five special years with a very special wife - what a blessing!

Mama and Bapa Gaard came for a short visit

Look at all those colors!

We are thankful our children have grandparents who love the Lord!

Story time with Mama Gaard

This is an exciting story!

When can I eat?

Six months old and having her first bite of food - homemade applesauce!

Grandma has her full attention!

I like food!

Where's those manners?

Out for a ride!

This guy gave Ruthanne and Nathan a ride

Hold on!

Away we go!