Friday, September 16, 2016

Aletheia's First Week

Three days old!

Selah Larkly came to visit! RuthAnn gave us these slippers!

My cradle!

Nathan loves to hold her every day!

Hannah fell asleep after snack one day! Being a
big sister wore her out!

One week old!

Aletheia's First Day out!

Getting ready to go to the Doctor to get her
tongue clipped.

Almost there!

It looks like she's thinking - "should
I do this?"

Hannah's adventures at the park!

Nathan has a tractor pull!

Aletheia's First Visits!

Uncle Brian drove here to say hello!

Late night game night with Uncle Brian!

Piggy back rides!

Aletheia's First Sunday!

Aletheia's first Sunday. The girl's had
matching dresses and sad to pictures beside this one!
I guess it was a busy day or rather, a day of rest!

Back to School!

We are back to school! Hurray! Our new student is Aletheia!

Counting pennies!