Hannah likes her new bowling game! |
Bapa Bird and Aletheia |
Yum! Yum! Tomato soup! Hannah likes soup! |
Mommy got to see Leah. A special friend from her college days! |
Long time no see! Since her wedding? |
Story time with Aunt Lydia! |
Music time with Mama Bird! |
Playing her accordion! Nathan was fascinated! |
Aunt Ia's car was the famous mode of transportation! |
Rowing the boat! Where's the water Daddy? |
This is a fun park! |
Too adventuresome for Mama Bird! Don't look, Mama!
Here I come!
An easier passenger for Mama! |
This is a new-fangled swing! |
What's in this music box? |
Coloring time with Mama! |
Bye! Bye for now! |